Areas of Study

A core component in all Bailey School of Music degree programs is mastery in an applied instrumental or vocal performance medium. Each of our areas of study offers a wide range of opportunities that allow students to grow as individual musicians and members of an ensemble. Students perform solo recitals and as members of chamber and large ensembles. Students may also compete in the annual Concerto Competition for the opportunity to perform as a featured soloist with one of our large ensembles. In addition to regular lessons with our applied faculty—all of whom are professional-level practitioners and exceptional pedagogues—students have opportunities to engage in masterclasses with renowned guest artists. String students have performed for violinists Midori, Augustin Hadelich, Andrés Cárdenes, David Perry, and David Coucheron, and cellist Zuill Bailey. Our wind students for clarinetist Anthony McGill and tubist Alan Baer. Our piano area welcomed MacArthur Fellow and pianist Jeremy Denk to campus and our vocalists have worked with Reginald Smith, Jennifer Larmore, and Stephanie Blythe. Conductors Robert Spano, David Becker, and Ovidiu Balan led our ensembles and we've also welcomed to campus composers Chen Yi, Kamran Ince, and James M. Stephenson.

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