FAQs for Traveling Exhibitions

  • Use this to request a traveling exhibition. 
  • All of our traveling exhibitions are free to borrow within one hundred miles of the Museum of History and Holocaust Education. Beyond that distance, shipping costs will be the responsibility of the host institution.
  • Up to one hundred miles. Beyond this distance we will we ship the exhibitions to you. To discuss your delivery and shipping options, contact Tony Howell at thowell5@kennesaw.edu or 470-578-2084.
  • Each of our exhibitions consists of free-standing panels that can be arranged in a variety of configurations. To discuss if your space is suitable for hosting an exhibition, contact Tony Howell at thowell5@kennesaw.edu or 470-578-2084. 
  • One of our staff will bring the exhibition to your site, set it up, and then collect it at the end of the borrowing period. Set up and take down normally take between twenty and thirty minutes per exhibition. 
  • This depends on what type of site you are. We recommend schools keep exhibitions for one to two weeks, while some larger libraries and museums borrow the exhibitions from one to three months.
  • We do not require security to monitor the exhibitions, however, we recommend that you ask visitors to the exhibitions not to eat, drink, or carry sharp objects in the vicinity.
  • Many of our exhibitions have teacher's guides.