MSIT Resources

The links to some of the most frequently requested information and forms can be found below.

Program Requirements

Course Information & Registration

Graduate Assistantship

We offer Graduate Assistantships at several levels and in different categories.

Tips on seeking GRAs.

  • Go through the links below on general information of GRA, especially on benefits and eligibility.
  • Ideally, you want to work on a GRA in IT or related computing field. However, you don't have to limit yourself to that. All GRAs carry the same benefits. As IT students, your knowledge in technology often put you in  competitive advantage in getting GRAs in other disciplines.
  • All GRA positions are tied to a graduate faculty. There is a university . But many faculty don't post their positions there. You may talk to faculty on their and your research interest when taking their classes or reach out to faculty on opportunities.
  • The best time to search for GRA is April and May as faculty will look for GRAs for the next academic year.

Below are links to information to guide you through the graduate assistantship process.

Other Resources