Student Affairs Tools for Assessment
The Division of Student Affairs utilizes a variety of tools to support the Division's assessment efforts and commitment to continuous improvement. This site provides an overview of the tools available to DSA staff and resources to support adoption and best practices.
DSA Assessment Tools
Owl Life
In addition to facilitating the registration process for student organizations, is used by the Division of Student Affairs as a central repository of student engagement data.
Note: This site is intended to support the Departmental use of Owl Life within the Division of Student Affairs. To learn more about using Owl Life for Student Organizations, please visit the Department of Student Activities website.
Insight Dashboards provides users with real-time student engagement data for data-informed decision-making and program improvement. Data is gathered from a Owl Life, Banner, and Fusion to provide a holistic view of student engagement within a particular department or population of students and is used to improve the student experience and student success outcomes.
Dashboard data is meant to be used within an operational context to understand the immediate impact of programs and services on the student body. Data from dashboards is useful in identifying trends and quickly communicating outcomes through visualizations.
Dashboard data may also be used to support a department's 1-2-3 Assessment Plan and/or Annual Reporting.
DSA Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Participating department within the Division of Student Affairs are issued a Departmental Standard View Dashboard of departmental student engagement data. The Standard View Dashboards use shared Key Performance Indicators across the Division to provide users with quick access to shared data points.
There are no established minimum performance expectations associated with any KPIs. KPIs are intended to help promote a common language around student engagement data and encourage sharing and learning among colleagues. Interpretation of KPIs should be dependent on a department's mission and functional area within the Division of Student Affairs.
A summary of current KPIs are:
- Count of Programs in Owl Life
- Count of Cancelled Events in Owl Life
- Average Program Attendance
- Programs by Modality
- Average Interactions per Student (by Programs and Check-Ins)
- Unique Students Served (by Programs and Check-Ins)
- Total Interactions Captured (by Programs and Check-Ins)
- Programs by Day and Time of Day
- Center/Office 肉肉传媒s by Hour
- Average Daily Center/Office Attendance
- Center/Office 肉肉传媒s by Month
- Center/Office 肉肉传媒s by Day and Hour
- Total Interactions by Month
is used by the Division of Student Affairs for assessment planning and reporting, end of year reporting, and program review.
The Division of Student Affairs has organized its programs and services into a new model of student success based on six strategic "investments" of resources and support that yield an 鈥渋mpacts鈥 on student development at KSU. Our goal is to build a college environment and experience where students are connected, supported, and inspired to give students the best chance at college success.
- Connection to Community
- Exploration & Authentic Expression
- Community Health
Care & Crisis Support - Academic Guidance & Support
- Student Learning & Skill Development
- Belonging & KSU Pride
- Academic Progress & Performance
- Workplace Skill Training
Assessment Plan:
- Goals
- Outcomes
- Measures
- Results
Each goal should connect to at least one of the Investments, Impacts, or Divisional Initiatives and Goals.
Assessment Cycle Phases
PHASE DESCRIPTION REQUIRED ITEMS Plan Documenting the foundational framework and making a plan to assess - Unit Mission Statement
- Objective Statement(s) and Purpose
- Description of Measures and Implementation Strategies
Do Gathering and documenting assessment results and evidence - Submit Assessment Tool(s) for Review
- Update Progress of Measures
- Implement Measures
Check Analyze and interpret the results; make recommendations for improvements to assessment plan - Results from Measures
- Analysis of assessment strategies
Act Plan for innovation and/or improvement to achieve Objective - Intended changes to measures into next year
- Action Plan for Innovation and Improvement
Note: DSA staff must first be added as a User to Planning in order to have access. If you do not currently have access to Planning and you believe you should, please email
is the Division of Student Affairs' preferred survey administration tool. All surveys distributed within the Division of Student Affairs should make use of Qualtrics whenever possible. Note: Division of Student Affairs' staff must be added to the DSA user group within Qualtrics before administering a survey. If you have not already notified Dr. Rudy Jackson of your Qualtrics account, please do so before building and/or distributing survey(s).
To learn more about using Qualtrics, please see the Qualtrics Quick Start Guide provided by UITS.