Custom Assistance in Your Work and Personal Life
An EAP is professional help when you need it in your work or personal life. It's trained knowledgeable resources to provide advice for the many life issues we all face. As a KSU employee, you and your family have the benefit of a customized assistance program which offers professional counseling and consultation through (Log in as a USGGuest for general reference or sign up to create your own individual user ID and password to personalize your experience on the website.)
EAP Provider at ÈâÈ⴫ý State
The University System of Georgia partners with Acentra, a nationally recognized healthcare management company, to provide Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services which includes in-person counseling sessions, referrals to community resources, supervisory consultations, crisis support and work-life referrals. Acentra's services will enable employees to access counseling sessions through a large network of professionals throughout the region.