The following documents are required for all programs unless specified:
1. Completed Proposal Form 鈥 Required for all programs.
2a. Program Director Responsibilities Agreement 鈥 Required for all programs.
2b. Participating Faculty and Staff Responsibilities Agreement 鈥 Required 1 per participating faculty or staff on an education abroad program.
3. Education Abroad College Approval Form 鈥 Required for all faculty teaching on an education abroad program.
4. Itinerary Template 鈥 Required for all programs.
5. Budget Template 鈥 Required for all programs with a budget managed by Education Abroad.
6. Vendor Quotes & Estimates 鈥 Please provide a quote from your selected travel agent(s)/coordinating provider(s). If you have not yet selected your travel agent(s)/provider(s), please provide at least three quotes from those you are considering.
If you have already selected your primary vendor/travel agent/provider, please provide that quote and two additional quotes for lodging in each location where the program stays overnight. You may utilize quotes from an online platform such as Expedia and take a screenshot of multiple available rates.
If you are unable to get an estimate from your vendors due to requesting information too far in advance, please use available information including the previous year's quotes, and add a contingency of 5-10% to that item to account for fluctuations in price. You will need to obtain updated quotes before students can commit to the program.
7. Course Syllabi 鈥 Required 1 file per course (Must include KSU Standard Verbiage found here).
8. Contact Hours Template 鈥 Required for all programs.
9. Physical Assessment Form 鈥 Required for all programs. The goal of this form is to ensure that students are well informed of what is physically required of them while on your program. Components that could be modified based on student needs are not considered strictly required. For example, if an alternate activity can be provided based on student need/ability, the activity is not considered strictly required.
If Applicable:
10. Local Partner Support Agreement Form 鈥 Required only for programs with a single faculty director (i.e. no participating faculty).
11. Additional Funding Form 鈥 Required for programs that plan to use departmental funds, foundation funds, external grants, etc. to help support program costs.