KSU has transitioned to an all-electronic lock campus. Our innovative approach allows us to enhance security and streamline physical access to campus facilities for students and the campus community.
KSU is also proud to offer the Mobile Talon Card. Each device is a separate credential, so remember if you have a Mobile Talon Card on both your phone and your watch, each device will require an update at a HotSpot when access is added and again every seven days.
By accepting door access rights, each individual agrees to:
Door access is subject to review and regular auditing. KSU reserves the right to deny or remove access privileges.
Each room on campus has been assigned a security level with corresponding approvals needed to obtain access to these locations.
Universal Locations
Standard Locations
Elevated Risk Locations
Employee Access
Teaching Access
Access Groups
Helpful Hints About Decisions Requests
Delegating Approvers
Residential Student Access
manages access to residential living spaces and buildings. Access to these locations is granted based on the terms of the Student Housing License Agreement.
Student Academic Access
To request access based on CRNs, please email dooraccess@kennesaw.edu with the CRN, list of door(s) needed, and an expiration date A date for access removal is required (maximum one year from access request).
General Student Access
Supervisors and professors can request access for student assistants, teaching assistants, graduate assistants, volunteers, Interns and Research Assistants by using .
Bulk access requests for multiple students can be sent in a spreadsheet to dooraccess@kennesaw.edu. Please be sure to include each student’s NetID or KSUID.
A date for access removal is required and is limited to one year from access request.