Evening MBA Course Offerings
Summer 2025 and Fall 2025 registration will begin on March 14. Please refer to Owl Express for your specific assigned time ticket. Please review the 2025 Academic Calendar.
Registration will be completed through Tools and resource for registration can be found here.
If you need guidance on which classes to register for, with Program Manager, Advising, Sameera Luthur.
Spring 2025 Offerings
Please review the course offerings that correspond with the specific degree you are seeking. All spring courses will be taught in the 15-week session unless otherwise denoted.
Summer 2025 Offerings
Please review the course offerings that correspond with the specific degree you are seeking. All summer courses will be taught in the 8-week session unless otherwise denoted.
Fall 2025 Offerings
Please review the course offerings that correspond with the specific degree you are seeking. All fall courses will be taught in the 15-week session unless otherwise denoted.
Have a Hold?
If you have holds on your account that are preventing you from being able to register, please review below as to how to have those removed. Holds must be removed before you can register for classes.
Lawful Presence Verification: The easiest way to submit documentation of this would be to submit clear photos of the front and back of your Georgia driver’s license to ksugrad@kennesaw.edu Additional information on how to verify your lawful presence can be found here.
Immunization Hold: Immunization requirements are often satisfied through documentation on submitted transcripts, but that is not always the case. If you have not yet submitted copies of your immunization records and you have an immunization hold on your account, please do so ASAP so that you can be cleared in the system for registration. You can review a list of required immunizations here. You can ask what you may need to submit and/or submit your required documentation by emailing registrar@kennesaw.edu.
Need to Register for MGT 7999?
Requirements to Register: An advisor will need to provide an override for you to register for this course. Please email Sameera Luthur to confirm that you want to take this course.
Prerequisite requirements for MGT 7999: Completion of ACCT 7000, MKTG 7030, MGT 7050, FIN 7020, ECON 7010, IS 7090, MGT 7040 + 2 electives.
Not Sure what to Take?
Requirements for your specific degree can be found on . Additionally, below we have provided degree planning sheets for each concentration.
If you would like to discuss a graduation plan, please don’t hesitate to connect with ksumba@kennesaw.edu or Sameera Luthur to discuss a path forward.
At this time, we are committed to these schedules of course offerings; however, they may be changed if necessary due to faculty availability, enrollment factors, logistical changes, and other unforeseen circumstances.