Conference on Cybersecurity Education, Research and Practice

First held in 2004 as the Information Security Curriculum Development Conference (InfoSecCD), CCERP is one of the first major forums for the presentation of pedagogical experience, research findings, and industry best practices to support the development and conduct of Cybersecurity/Information Security curriculum in higher education in the Southeast.

Effective 2022, CCERP will be co-hosted with CISSE, visit their website below.

ksu ccerp conference
ksu undergraduate student at computer

Our Mission

The mission of the conference is to share novel instructional methods and techniques, pedagogical research findings, curriculum models and methods, to identify new directions for future research and development work, and to share industry best practices in support of Information Security education. The conference will provide both a venue to discuss these topics and professional development opportunities, through presentations from industry professionals.


The Proceedings of the Conference on Cybersecurity Education, Research, and Practice will be published through the . This open access venue will provide all presenting authors with immediate dissemination of their work.  The proceedings are open access.  There are no fees to the author or reader to access the proceedings.