Navigate the Process to Find Funding

Congratulations on receiving funding from the Office of Undergraduate Research! Below are some guidelines to help you navigate the funding processes.

  • Registration and travel can be procured and booked through our office by contacting Jennifer Harb (, who will book and purchase the registration and travel using the Office of Undergraduate Research’s purchasing card, or you may choose to purchase and book on your own and seek reimbursement after the trip. Please note that:

    • We cannot automatically reimburse you for your award. Reimbursement requires the following:
      • If you are not already a vendor, you must be entered as a vendor into the University System of Georgia. This requires filling out a Supplier Registration Form. You will receive an email to fill out a form in DocuSign if not in the system.
      • A deposit into your bank account or issuance of a check cannot happen until you are in the system.
      • Receipts for travel (not required for meals)
      • Proof of purchase (i.e., credit card statement or card activity screenshot. We need to see your name and the relevant charge; you may redact unnecessary information.)
      • Program of the event or conference
      • Were any meals provided there?
    • Please be mindful when booking airfare, hotels, and the cost of meals: We will not cover beyond the award amount.
    • You can look up the current
    • Once the trip is over, provide the receipts, proof of purchase, program brochure, etc. to Jennifer Harb ( and Michelle Chatelain ( within one week of the last travel date.
  • URCA Stipends

    • The hourly rate for URCA stipends is capped at $10.00 per hour.
    • GPA must remain above 2.0
    • Stipend disbursement requires:
      • Completion of a Supplier Form
      • Documentation of the work the student completed from the faculty mentor. This could be a work log, paragraph, or bulleted list describing what the student did, etc.

    First-Year Scholars and Sophomore Scholars Stipends

    • Students are eligible to receive a $1,000 stipend in the Fall and Spring semester if:
      • Students are showing up and actively participating in the research as discussed with their faculty mentor
      • GPA remains above 2.0
      • A Supplier Registration Form is completed
    • We cannot automatically reimburse you for your award.
    • We will not reimburse you over the amount you allocated for incentives.
    • Reimbursement requires the following:
      • If you are not already a vendor, you must be entered as a vendor into the University System of Georgia. This requires filling out a Supplier Registration Form. You will receive an email to fill out a form in DocuSign if not already in the system.
      • A deposit into your bank account or the mailing of a check cannot happen until you are in the system.
      • Receipt for the gift card purchase.
      • Proof of purchase (i.e., credit card statement or card activity screenshot. We need to see your name and the relevant charge; you may redact unnecessary information.)
      • IRB Approval
      • Compliance Approval (request through )
      • Confirmation that all recipients received their gift card. Only received gift cards will be reimbursed.
      • Once all recipients receive/claim their gift cards, provide the receipts, proof of purchase, and recipient confirmation to Jennifer Harb and Michelle Chatelain.
    • Order requests should be submitted using the Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) 
    • All supplies requests should be submitted by January 15th. Exceptions can be made with prior approval.
    • Faculty are responsible for obtaining 
    • If enlisting the services of an individual or company, you will need to complete a contract.
    • Do not let the individual or company begin any work until the contract is reviewed and approved by the University's Contract Compliance Office.
    • Michelle Chatelain ( will help create the contract in the CMS, but the team members of the project are expected to be the point of contact with the individual/company.
    • The individual/company may also need to complete a vendor registration form and be added as a supplier for USG (being set up as a supplier can take a couple of weeks).
    • Vendor registration and contracts can take some time, so please plan accordingly.
  • Please check out  on how to complete the Vendor Registration Form