Episode 4: April 2, 2021
In the fourth episode of the spring season, , an associate professor of exercise science in the , was the featured faculty guest. He discussed his work on how modified high-intensity exercise can be developed into a viable intervention to combat Type 2 diabetes.
Kliszczewicz is part of one of five KSU research teams which received a two-year grant from KSU's . He is working with collaborators Trisha VanDusseldorp and Gerald Mangine, both associate professors of exercise science, and Carol Chrestensen, professor of chemistry, to focus on Omega-3 fatty acids for disease prevention.
Kliszczewicz, who joined the in 2013, earned a Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology from Auburn University. He has served as the coordinator for KSU's since 2015. A member of the American College of Sports Medicine, he received a fellowship from that organization in 2018.
Learn more about Brian Kliszczewicz!Research Video
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