QuickStart Mathematica

Mathematica is a computational software program used in many scientific, engineering, mathematical and computing fields, based on symbolic mathematics.

  • Whether on or off-campus
    Be sure the vpn-groups portal is selected when you connect.
  • $ module avail Mathematica
    --- /data/Apps/Modules/Programming ---
    Mathematica/11.3.0  Mathematica/12.0 Mathematica/12.1  
  • $ module load Mathematica
  • $ module list
    Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
     1) Mathematica/11.3.0
  • #!/usr/bin/bash
    #PBS -N mathematica_job
    #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=24
    #PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
    #PBS -m abe                    ## mail on abort, begin and error
    #PBS -M your_email@kennesaw.edu
    #PBS -j oe                        ## same file for output and error
    JOBID=$( echo ${PBS_JOBID} | cut -f1 -d. )
    ## load the Mathematica module
    module load Mathematica

    ## set up any needed variables, paths and files
    ## run your job

    math -noprompt -run “<< helloWorld.mâ€

    exit 0

  • $ qsub math_job.pbs
  • Learn more about Mathematica at the .