Women Pilots of World War II

On-Site Exhibition—Aviation Experts in World War II

Many people have heard of Amelia Earhart, but few know of the countless other women who were among the country’s earliest aviation experts. This exhibit explores the stories of these pioneering pilots.

As you make your way through the exhibit, you will learn about the various organizations that women flew with during World War II, discover the stories of different women pilots, see aviation artifacts on display, and engage with an interactive map illustrating the many missions women flew on.

While exploring, make sure to answer our scavenger hunt questions and submit your responses for a chance to win a free museum gift basket!

This exhibition opened on March 23, 2023.

Image: Women’s Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS) pilots, circa 1942-1945. Courtesy Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum

Exhibit Supplements

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