Ensure Captions for Videos and Media

As of June 2023, all new videos added to MediaSpace will automatically have machine captions added. This does not necessarily apply to uncaptioned videos uploaded prior to June 2023. So, for older videos, you may still need to add machine captions manually. These will generally need to be edited for accuracy. You can find instructions at the  (you may need to sign into ServiceNow to access) or our , which also shows how to add machine captions if your video was produced before June 2023.

However, there are times when time constraints require professional captioning rather than manual editing. To order professional captions, see below.

Professional Captions Request Form

Professional captioning for English only is available in MediaSpace through Digital Learning Innovations.. Due to the increased cost of this service, DLI will prioritize requests for professional captions in the following order:

  1. The request involves making accommodations for a specific student with an official accommodation plan that requires captioned media
  2. Videos where the speaker is not a native American-English speaker 
  3. Videos 15 minutes or less in length but not meeting 1 or 2
  4. All other requests

DLI does its best to support all faculty seeking to make their course content accessible for their students.  To request professional captions, use the form below. If you need help breaking your videos down to 15 minute sections, view our instructional video, ""

The button below takes you to the request form where you can request professional captions for your videos in MediaSpace. You will be prompted to log in using your KSU credentials.