Dr. Sanjeev Adhikari presented and published five papers at ASC

KENNESAW, Ga. | Dec 1, 2021

photo of sanjeev adhikari
Dr. Sanjeev Adhikari is faculty in the Construction Management program here at ÈâÈ⴫ý, and he joined KSU in 2019. He has presented and published five papers at the Associated School of Construction (ASC). Despite the difficult circumstances that Covid-19 has produced, Dr. Adhikari built collaboration with different faculty around college and outside university and disseminated his research through papers and presentations. Producing these five papers in a single year is outstanding and proud for the construction management department. These papers titles are 1) Challenge of delivering construction courses in an online environment based on faculty experiences; 2) Sustainability Related Issues Among Construction Students: Analyzing Through Source of Knowledge, Education Preparation and Future Aspiration; 3) Construction Contractor’s Initial Reactions and Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic in the South Central US; 4) COVID-19 Impacts on AEC Educators, and 5) Analysis of Construction Study Abroad Programs Viewed from a Global Perspective

Please join the Construction Management department in congratulating Dr. Adhikari!

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